Resonate Assessment

Looking to make a change in the way you deal with your health? Is the current standard of care causing you to chase your tail? Dr. Parker is a wholistic, integrative chiropractor. She takes a unique approach to chiropractic care. By using muscle testing to evaluate your nervous and immune systems, she is able discover weakness and interference. Dr. Parker doesn’t take every case she evaluates. Her concern is that she is your best option moving forward. Get checked out, request an evaluation today. Follow the links below.

Wellness Check Online Get My Wellness Check… (required for new patients)

Answer this assessment anytime you like and you will see the systems that need attention. You may share it with us if you choose. An option to share by email is located at the end of the assessment. Be sure to share it with yourself. The form will reset and is not stored anywhere.

Depression Anxiety Stress Scale Test DASS21 (required for new patients)

The DASS21 evaluates the severity of mental disorder symptoms associated to the three and provides a mild, moderate or severe result. It is used by Dr. Parker as a baseline and to show progress as she works with your individual need. Print or capture your results to share by email, text or at your next visit with Dr. Parker.

Resiliency Quiz TAKE THE QUIZ (optional)

How resilient are you? Did you know mental stress accounts for more than 80% of physical complaints? Did you know that just talking about those mental stressors without resolving them can actually cause more stress? Take this quiz and see how resilient you really are and if a mind-body approach may be right for you.

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