When to See a Chiropractor

Whether you’re experiencing back pain or frequent headaches, the discomfort can significantly affect your quality of life. At Resonate Wellness Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, we provide various treatments to reduce your pain and improve your well-being. Before scheduling an appointment, take a look at some reasons to consider visiting our chiropractor below:

When You Have Back Pain

Back pain can be debilitating and prevent you from completing daily tasks. Many conditions can cause this kind of pain, especially chronic pain. The following conditions have had benefits from chiropractic care:

  • Sciatica
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Arthritis
  • Herniated or bulging disc
  • Muscle strains and sprains

We can perform chiropractic adjustments to properly align your spine and provide relief. These adjustments can also prevent the pain from becoming chronic. A proper evaluation can determine if your pain is local to your pain point or referred from an unhappy organ which may be related to recurring pain that doesn’t seem to resolve.

When You’re Having Joint Pain

We can also address pain that affects other parts of your body. If you’re dealing with a sore knee or neck pain, our team is happy to help. With personalized care, we can relieve your discomfort and improve your mobility.

If You’re Experiencing Headaches

Do you often experience headaches or migraines? Realigning your upper cervical spine can reduce the frequency of headaches and migraines. Not only that, but it can also reduce their intensity and help you feel your best. Toxin buildup in your liver or other tissues can contribute to headaches and migraine as well. Having an evaluation of these concerns can help you understand if you can benefit from an adjustment, detoxification program, or stress resolution.

When You Have a Sports Injury

If you play sports, an injury can occur at any moment. Whether you have a ligament or tendon injury, tennis elbow, or sprains and strains, chiropractic care can be helpful. In addition to helping you recover; treatment can improve your athletic performance both physically and mentally.

When You Have Dysfunctional Body Systems

If you wake at a particular time of night, suffer constipation or other digestive issues, have chronic infections, or experience any of the above conditions, you could benefit from chiropractic care. Addressing the physical elements of the condition will be helped by an adjustment. Chemical causes of these conditions could be helped by a detoxification program or diet change. Mental stressors that keep these conditions active and chronic, can benefit from discovering the triggers that keep those conditions active.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

You don’t need to have a specific injury or condition to benefit from our services. Spinal adjustments and stress-reducing techniques can offer various benefits, including:

  • Reduced stress and tension using techniques to resolve the things that set you off.
  • Effective pain management by assessing your need for adjustment or helping you resolve your stress.
  • Improved flexibility using light therapy that reengages your muscles to support you correctly
  • Enhanced health and well-being through lifestyle changes

Contact Us for an Appointment Today

If you’re considering this type of chiropractic care, contact Resonate Wellness Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, at (972) 951-9355 today. We are happy to provide you with additional information and set you up with an appointment. When you need a chiropractor near me, our team looks forward to assisting you!

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